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July 11, 2005
State Selects Sacramento Firm to Study Workers' Compensation System
BRS to Analyze Effects of Workers' Comp Reforms
The state of California has selected Bickmore Risk Services (BRS) of Sacramento to conduct an analysis of the effect of recent legislative reforms on workers' compensation insurance rates and the insurance market.
BRS prevailed over other actuarial consulting firms in a lengthy competitive bid process. The project is scheduled to begin in July and to be completed in December 2005. Essentially, the task before BRS is analyzing the effectiveness of recent legislation aimed at reforming California's workers' compensation system, including AB 749, AB 227, SB 228 and SB 899. In accomplishing that task, the study will provide information and analysis necessary for future policy decisions related to workers' compensation in California.
Among those who will receive the study are Gov. Schwarzenegger, the state Legislature, Director of the state Division of Worker's Compensation Andrea Hoch and Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi.
BRS principal consultant Gregory Trout plans to coordinate a project team of 20 staff and subcontractors to conduct the study.
"BRS has the perfect background for this project. Workers' compensation is a long-term specialty of ours and we look forward to applying our experience in a way that could benefit all Californians," Trout said.
BRS is California's largest independent full-service provider of actuarial, risk management, program management, loss control, and claims and litigation management services to insured and self-insured employers, with offices in Sacramento and Long Beach, Calif. To learn more, visit BRS online at www.bickmoreriskservices.com.
Posted by Tom Troceen